Sunday, November 21, 2010

Baby = Ahmad Ammar Haziq


Activity 2 (low achiever)

Unit 10  :  Volume of Liquid

Learning Objectives  :  C. Measure the volumes of liquid.

Learning Outcomes  :  By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able
                                   to measure volume of liquids 
                                   by using non-standard units correctly.

Prior Knowlwdge
Pupils already known about the word related to volume; half full, full, empty, more, less.

Teaching Aids
A big bottle of water, a small bottle of water, a set of glasses.

more, less

1.  Form the pupils a group of four.

2.  Distribute each group a big bottle of water, a small bottle of water, a set of glasses.

3.  Guide each group to pour the water from the big bottle and the small bottle into the glasses.

4.  Help each group to count the number of glassful with water and record into the form given.

5.  Label each glass to make sure that the pupils will fill the water with the same amount quantity.


Big bottle

1. The water in the big bottle fills up ______________ glasses.

2. The volume of liquid is _____________glassful.

 Small bottle


1. The water in the small bottle fills up ______________ glasses.

2. The volume of liquid is _____________ glassful.

The big bottle holds ____________ water than the small bottle.

The small bottle holds ____________ water than the big bottle.


Complete the table below.

Cup of water
Volume of liquid





Saturday, November 20, 2010


UNIT 10 : Volume of Liquid

Learning Ojectives   :  C. Measure the volume of liquid

Learning Outcomes  :  By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
                                    measure the volumes of liquids, by using
                                    non-standard units correctly.

Prior Knowledge
Pupils had learnt how to compare the volume of two liquid; more, less or same during their previous lesson.

Activity 1 (high achiever)
Teaching Aids
A jug of water, a bottle of water, a set of glasses.

more, less

1.  Divide the pupils into group of four to do work in cooperative learning.
2.  Appoint one student to record the result in the group.
3.  Give each group a set of glasses, a jug of water, a bottle of water.
4.  Each group will pour the liquid from the bottle and the jug into the glasses
5. Have the students record their findings in the following table.

 Number of glasses

6. Let the students write their findings in the statement below:

The water in the jug fills up  ____ glasses. 

The volume of liquid is  ______glassfuls.

The water in the jug fills up  _____ glasses.

The volume of liquid is  ________  glassful.

The jug hold ___________ water than the bottle.

The bottle hold ____________water than the jug.


Fill in the boxes



The beakers holds ___________ glasses of water.

The pail holds ____________ glasses of water.

The beakers ____________ water than the pail.

The volume of liquid in the beaker is ____________ glassful.

The volume of liquid in the pail is ____________ glassful.